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Angels or Demons? Or Angels and Demons ?
2010/04/21 20:34:48瀏覽635|回應2|推薦4

I once heard that in every class of children, there will always be an Angel and a Demon. But in my point of view, some demons are actually both,  Angels and Demons.

In my class, there is a boy M. One of a kind I should say. In many teachers' eyes, he may be the demon of the class, but to me, he is both the Angel and Demon. He is infamous for bullying, and I am one of his favourite victims. It beats me why he chooses me as his victim, but let me tell you... he made a good choice of choosing me!

I am one person with very high tolerance, therefore I am not easily angered, and at times when he purposely made fun of me in front of everyone, I usually turn a deaf ear.

But sometimes when he went overboard, the fire in me starts burning, and when it is up, the most I did is complain to my friends and my aunt. However, everytime after complaining, I cooled down. So in a wierd way to describe my anger: the "fire" is hard to light, but easy to put out.

Sometimes, after cooling down and thinking back, I use a different angle to see, and what I actually realise is that he is a bully who hopes to be a good boy.

In class, he is very active, when a teacher asks a question, he always raises up his hands to answer. But sometimes, when he accidentally makes a silly mistake, the whole class laughs at him, and the look on his face is one that no one wishes to have. I can tell that he is upset at being laughed at.

Also, I often heard that he used to be a very good and studious boy in primary school. I was not in the same school with him. However I believe he must have been bullied by others in primary school before, that may explain why he is a bully now, to make others fear him, so that he will not be bullied by others again.

So I really think that he is lucky to have chosen me, because from the way he is bullying others, not many people can tolerate such act! If it were others, I have a strong gut feeling that they would complain to the teachers right away. But because I can tell that he is a good boy within, I want to give him a second chance to turn over a new leaf!

Also whenever I see the upset expression on his face, it softens my heart again. Plus, I am afraid that if I tell the teacher, and when the teacher punishes him, he might not be happy and wants to seek revenge. Or either way, hopefully he might learn his lesson and turn over a new leaf. So I have to take a gamble.

This morning, M tried to kick me while I was practising my 100 metres shuttle running. I was so upset I complained to my aunt who asked for my teacher's email. She has yet to write the complain letter to my teacher for fear of his revenge on me too!

Dear dear....... I am in a dilemma, what should I do? Tell or not to tell my teacher??

( 休閒生活其他 )
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2010/04/21 21:15

sorry, typo error!

sud b ridiculously

Angels or Demons? Or Angels and Demons ?
2010/04/21 21:12

cheer up!

aunt knows u r a kind n soft-hearted gal.

if u r hesitant, let d matter rest this time.

lets give him a last chance..

if he chooses to behave ridiciously impossible, i will definitely write to yr form teacher, ok?

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-21 22:16 回覆:
Ok (: thanks aunt. and my laptop is spoilt. something's wrong, it black out suddenly n wen i tried 2 switch it on again it kept showing colourful lines, dan slowly black out again, i suspect is virus. im using daddy's laptop now.