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Something stupid (Like I love you)
2010/02/10 04:25:08瀏覽912|回應1|推薦10


我們後悔嗎?倒也不是、、、我們的先生對家庭都很負責,也很愛孩子。而且,(至少在我們面前)不會對別的女生色瞇瞇的。所以可能是感覺遺憾,婚前應該多多珍惜多采多姿的日子,而不是一心追尋 romance 吧、、、

對她來說,婚後放棄工作後,錯過較好的就職時機;可是她又不願意屈就一般的行政工作,家中經濟仰賴 one income, 只能購買必需品。因此她連保有 reading 這小小的 hobby, 都會遭到老公的白眼。她辛苦打理家中,全家人認為理所當然,甚至連嚴重背痛的時候也無人願意伸出援手。


談到這裡,聽到 Radio 傳來這首男女對唱的情歌,我跟她都沈默了。我們都也曾是家中父母親疼愛的「小姐」,婚後因為很快有了孩子,在短時間內被迫成為三頭六臂的「馬麻」,幾乎放棄自己所有喜歡的嗜好。如果早知道是這樣,應該不會急著建立家庭吧、、、

所以呢,到底是在什麼樣 romantic circumstances 之下,我們走入了家庭呢?也許就像這首歌描述的情境,當女生發現對方處心積慮、等到最恰當的時機說出那三個字,她以為男生說了 something stupid, 所以很感動、、、結果等到走入家庭之後,女生發現自己才是 someone stupid ...! 我和她互相指著對方,笑到眼淚都掉下來。

I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you

I can see it in your eyes
You still despise the same old lines
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you For me it's true
And never seemed so right before
I practice every day to find some clever lines to say
To make the meanings come true
But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late
And I'm alone with you
The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
I love you...

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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like it
2010/12/16 23:34

so impressive !

that are the sound of moms.......

Salute !!

Celine_公私兩忙暫離(celinetl65) 於 2010-12-19 14:36 回覆:
Thanks, Jeff! Hope everything is going fine with you!