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Quidam 2003. 8-16
2011/08/13 22:09:48瀏覽333|回應0|推薦0
Quidam  2003. 8-16

「太陽馬戲團」Cirque du Soleil 最重要的風格轉型戲碼--『無名者』(或譯『芸芸眾生』)。  

The Body as Instrument 是「太陽馬戲團」最自豪之處,整團的人除了須如樂團一般合作無間,還必需互相照顧,稍有分心,便可能釀成意外。在這種高度壓力情境之下,居然能讓觀眾忘卻傳統的馬戲使人緊張的急迫感,藉由新形式產生藝術之美,這正是為什麼,「太陽馬戲團」讓許多人覺得感動之處。  

太陽馬戲劇團1990『絕世感官之旅』(Une Nouvelle Experience,意即「嶄新的體驗」)與1999『 東方風情』"Dralion",曾在公視播出,然而不可諱言,所有的佳評都集中於Quidam,至今找到的影評都是五星,其餘作品則有陷於瓶頸的現象。Quidam配樂1996 就出版,而配合著音樂節拍而走的全劇,之後再編舞與排練馬戲表演,1998起才正式上演。由 Benoit Jutras 作曲,J. Corcoran詞的 ”Let Me Fall”,曾經一聽再聽,纏綿輾轉。  

 "QUIDAM," 是拉丁文,意指"the unknown passenger", "the faceless individual", "un-important", " meaningless part of society" 。此外亦有"anonymous person", "the no one", "the average person who is lost in the crowd of the anonymous mass of humanity"," A human that has become a number in a culture gone mad"," A society away from its natural center of being, living and surviving", " A civilization out of balance" 等等之意。 利用「總體藝術」呈現馬戲之美,Quidam並且使故事貼近現實生活,訴說一個被大人忽略的小女孩,探索自我內心世界的釋疑,與賦予平凡事物意義之美的歷程,可以與『雪地裡的魅影』作一定程度上的對應與回響,不同的媒介自然方式歧異,這點上馬戲表演本來就不可能深入探討,但是憑著意象與當下令人屏息以待的美與衝擊,你會發現「意象、音樂」直接走到人的情緒裡,使人較主觀投入;而電影語言的運用,使人較能客觀理性。    

90分鐘雖說不長,「扯鈴」、「跳繩」以及接近傳統馬戲等部份實在無味,大約一半時間即可。其中有兩段「美得過火」的表演,而作曲家Benoit Jutras 的音樂、現場豐富的演唱、演奏,動態的燈光、走位,華麗的戲服、道具,向上下與左右前後延伸的表演,使得觀眾有如置身舞台「當中」。這兩段「美得過火」的可說表演是他們「鎮團之寶」,隨著戲碼改變,以及年歲漸增(據他們網頁說,女團員最多只能做到27歲,男性稍久一些),現在的戲碼已經沒再得見了。  

【1】      Aerial contortion in silk ( 配樂是Let Me Fall) --Isabelle Vaudelle (France) --the woman within the red silk scarf hanging from the ceiling struggling to be born 

【2】      Hand-balancing--Yves Decoste (Canada) and Marie-Laure Mesnage (France) --was a superb act of great beauty and balance. A man and woman in total equilibrium.
Let Me Fall-- 因為表演時只有以法文吟唱為主,我會放好聽的CD 版。

當年聽這首曲子時,剛處於人生的低潮期,結拜妹妹在那時,說我之前看起來像枯萎的花朵。而當” 枯萎的花朵”找不到人生努力以赴的理由時,這首曲子的旋律與內容,句句都打到痛處。我妒嫉地看著片裡召喚而來的精靈對小孩的護慰,想自己、與自己的孩子,似乎永遠與這樣的關懷絕緣。 
被父母忽視的女孩,經由一個無頭怪人留下的帽子,與善意的小丑協助之下,召喚出整個幻想的世界,一場以「她」為理由的演出。而彼疏遠冷淡的父母,經由馬戲詮釋,「空中與紅絲帶的糾葛」Aerial contortion in silk 演繹了母親內心夢想的流失與絕望,父親的外遇則以一段火辣女郎演出來暗示,而後,劇情走向每個相同情境孩子的夢想,也就是讓父母坐下來,乖乖欣賞「男與女的平衡」Hand-balancing,體會平凡男女亦能締造出神聖十字的奇妙恩典。 


http://audioart.audionet.com.tw/140/美藝之聲.htm  人文饗宴,休閒耳機  蔡克信 ( 摘錄 )  : 酒足飯飽,賓主盡歡,多位友人不忍離去,於是移駕筆者小築觀賞當紅「太陽馬戲團」(Cirque Du Soleil)的「芸芸眾生」(Quidam)戲碼。太陽馬戲團沒有馬戲,稱為「圓技團」較為適宜。這張DVD是「太陽」在阿姆斯特丹的實況錄影,也是該團的第九部作品。來自加拿大魁北克法裔區成員,在這部作品一反之前的幻想世界,而是檢視人類的真實世間。它傳達七情六慾,以較原始、強烈、戲劇與主觀方式呈現,也對來臨未知福禍的千禧年心感脆弱與苦悲。整齣戲瀰漫這個世界加壇的疏離感與孤寂,同時又不斷巧思設計人與人之間的互動與接觸,也為當今俗世下了新註腳 ─ 個體之禮讚與群體間之美感。藉著演員的肢體語言,服裝道具與歌詠配樂,這部戲不只是表相的特技,每一場景都足以發人深省。這是有別於單純音樂劇、舞台戲的另類綜合表演藝術,姑且不論它要表達的社會現象,僅抽取其中的美術成份,幅幅名畫、件件雕塑層出不窮,你可以看到瑪格利特、達利,也可以觀賞羅丹與阿普。由Benoit Jutras譜作的音樂融合古典與當代,弦律與節奏契合劇情,極富張力。攝影一流,取景高低、燈彩光效顯見用心設計。至於音響迷最關心的錄音亦是卓絕,雖是現場拾音,音域平衡、動態掌握無懈可擊,可知混音技術高超。這張DVD對音軌的重播也設想周到,從Dolby Pro-Logic、Dolby四聲道到Dolby Digital(AC-3)5.1聲道任用家選擇。筆者休閒小築約12坪大的AV空間,採87吋投影銀幕,使用Bose Lifestyle 30Ⅱ家庭劇院音樂系統,以5.1聲道播出的「芸芸眾生」可謂聲光俱佳,極具臨場感,讓觀者在精彩場景自然鼓掌。    
Benoit Jutras
For ten years, this French-Canadian composer was music director and principal composer for the world-renowned and critically acclaimed Cirque du Soleil. His works for Cirque du Soleil include the resident show O at Las Vegas’ Bellagio Hotel, and La Nouba, now playing at Disney World in Florida. An earlier production, Quidam, is currently touring Europe, while yet another, Mystere, is being presented at the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas. Benoit Jutras also created the original soundtracks of two films produced by Cirque du Soleil, the IMAX production of Journey of Man, and Alegria, for which he received a Jutra award for best original score. Francesco il Musical, an Italian production based on the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, represents some of Benoit Jutras' more recent compositional work. 
Benoit Jutras’ love affair with music started at the early age of five, and he was already giving his first concerts at six. He was only 18 when he first heard Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, and decided he wanted to become a composer. Benoit holds a master’s degree in composing and music writing from the Conservatoire de Montreal, where he was awarded two first prizes. He believes composing is "like dancing with the universe — a perpetual movement creating an ever-changing dance." 
Amongst his many achievements, Benoit was composer and music director for the television series The Hunger, produced by Tony and Ridley Scott, for IMAX 3D movies such as Journey of Man and Ultimate G’s, for the Circus Knie of Switzerland, for which he also conducted the orchestra, and for the Ecole Nationale de Cirque. He also won the Best Composer award at the Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo. 
Benoit’s musical tastes are eclectic: ”With globalization, a merging of styles is unavoidable, and the final objective is not to simply extract what is obvious, but to merge the real essence of each style in order to create something authentic and innovative.”  
Let me fall   J. Corcoran / Benoit Jutras, “ Let Me Fall”From the soundtrack of “Quidam” Copyright c1996 Cirque du Soleil Inc.
Let me fall
Let me climb
There’s a moment
When fear and dream must collide 
Someone I am is waiting for courage
The one I want
The one I will become will catch me 
So let me fall
If I must fall
I won’t heed your warnings
I won’t hear them 
All I ask
All I need
Let me open
Whichever door I might open
Let me fall
If I fall
Though the phoenix
May or may not rise 
I will dance so freely
Holding on to no one
You can hold me only if you too will fall
Away from all
These useless fears and chains 
Someone I am is waiting for my courage
The one I want
The one I will become will catch me 
So let me fall if I must fall
I won’t heed your warnings
I won’t hear 
Let me fall
If I fall
There’s no reason
To miss this one chance
This perfect moment
Just let me fall

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