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2014/10/22 16:36:51瀏覽86|回應0|推薦2









                祝您和太太平安快樂! 2006/04/19


Dear ANA,

First, happy birthday to you. It is nice to have freinds to celelbrate your birthday together with you. Ha, you should also invite some gentlemen there too. I believe that a lovely lady like you shold have always have gentlemen around.

I have read your letter which is enchanting and encouraging indeed.

My student days were not too bad. First I had schoalrship so I did not have to worry livelihood. Second, I had be very mcuh attractd to what I was studying. Third, my professor ws very kind to me. We became life-long friends hereafter. Also, in two years, my wife joined me in Pennsylvania. As compared wioth many other foreign studetns, Iwas very lucky. Only then, studying in the uS also gave me an opprotunity to understand my motherland and to give real heart-felt thgought on the history of Chinese people, whihc later, of course, had re-oreinted my plitical attitude to ward China.

I had helped some programs on poverty eradication in Chna but there were and still are many people working on that program, inlcuding both Chinese and international friends  as well. I am proud to be one of them to make that endeavour. In fact, our program on offering to those vulnerable people are not limited to China only. We have even more vigorous programs in other developing countires and transitional economies. Over years, I haved eveloped an alttitude to be leaning toward internationalism, not only cared for Chinese only but also other nations and peoples too.

Yes, I look forward to listening your beautiufl voice to sing those heart-feeling songs for me in the foreseeable future.
Wish you keeping younger, healthier, happier, and  beauitufl forever,

On 4/18/06,  wrote:



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