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2008/12/03 14:11:10瀏覽489|回應0|推薦7


天呀! 這是什麼世界? 一大早打開電視就看到一片陰霾. 燒的燒. 死的死. 哭的哭. 跑的跑. 叫的叫. 一片慌亂.

恐怖份子在印度已棄暗投明. 從以往偷偷摸摸放炸彈, 到如今光明正大地走了出來在街上大肆放槍殺人. 在五星級旅舘中擄人燒屋.

這個世界已經夠苦的了. 這些人為什麼要讓它更苦更亂?

我的朋友 Prokashji : 這些人一定是從小沒有得到愛的人. 他們心裏不平衡. 心裏只有恨. 恨讓他們具自己生死於肚外. 恨讓他們殺人不眨眼. 讓他們看到他人受苦受難心裏高興.


因為這個世界離愛越來越遠. 因為這個世界成為了個絕緣體.

恨與狠, 恨讓人變得心狠. 愛與柔, 愛讓心變得溫柔.



所以我想這些有極端恨的人, 內心一定也藏有極端的愛. 他們極度地渴望愛. 當渴望變成一度地失望.  他們心中的愛變了樣, 扭了形, 剩下的只有恨, 沒有其它.

這是這個世界很可悲的一面. 恐怖份子只不過是問題亮出來的第一個訊號罷了!


下面是一則出自MSN News 的新聞:  

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Terrorists kill the man who gave them water

Mumbai: The terrorists who attacked the Cama Hospital here early today did not spare the life of even their benefactor who had served them water when asked for.

After killing two security personnel in the terrace of the hospital, the two ultras escaped to the housing quarters of the hospital where they killed two persons one of whom had served them water when asked for.

An eerie calm enveloped the maternity ward at the hospital today, in stark contrast to the usual cries of newborns there as most of the patients have left the hospital against medical advice.

Two terrorists had entered the hospital from the back entrance with hand grenades and AK-47 assault rifles at around 0230 hours killing two security personnel, Bhanu Narkar and Baban Ugade, eyewitnesses said.

The terrorist duo, while continuing to fire indiscriminately, went up to the fourth and fifth floors, which house the maternity ward at the five-storey hospital.

One of the two maternity wards was locked from the inside while the terrorists tried to break into another which had been fastened by the women occupying it using a cloth.

Twenty-five women, along with their newborn babies and three other men locked themselves inside a safety room within the maternity ward, refusing to open despite several threats by the terrorists.

Continuing to fire while climbing further up, the terrorists reached the terrace of the hospital where they killed a sub-inspector and two constables. 
























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