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2021/06/25 00:55:50瀏覽1002|回應1|推薦17 | |
Taiwan has been trying to buy vaccines from some manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca without success due to political interference from China. (台灣嘗試購買輝瑞,莫德納及AZ疫苗,但因中國政治力介入阻撓,因此採購未果。) 除了BNT 水太深懸案一樁, 其他疫苗完全是晚購少買,何來中共打壓?在WHO 在新疆棉問題,我們毫不遲疑地為台灣及人權挺身,但無論中共政權如何蠻橫霸道,此時誤導事實,利用國際的同情心,實在無法苟同。 至今台灣政府還是不願增列預算採購可得疫苗(如 Novavax),難道是一種另類外交政策,利用疫苗短缺考驗世界盟友的忠誠度? 政府更在最急迫時,迅雷不及掩耳下單高端聯亞,快快花光預算,所有採購政策計劃時程完全不透明,是誰下的決策,又是否諮詢了公衞醫療科技國際採購專家學者? 各民主國家的疫苗採購資料,都是Google 就有,我是找不到台灣部門相關資料,也許政府把秘件藏在哪裡,但這麼大的預算又攸關生命,居然沒有公開資訊可參考,也太詭異! 如何為這個神秘古怪的政府背書?!中共擺明獨裁,但蔡政府打著民主之名行專制之實更為卑鄙。 若要改寫請願書內容,要求捐贈的理由又為何? 因為政府無能無遠見,反應太慢,導致民眾無劑可施? 富裕的台灣疫情相對輕緩,又為何需要和其他疫情慘重的貧困國家爭取捐贈? 如果要請願,只能實説:政府罔顧人民權益,執意延宕疫苗採購,圖利本地藥商,資金去向不明,請幫助台灣民眾施打國際疫苗之權利,但家醜何忍外揚,這是血書啊! 也罷,總統多數人選出來的,大家只好伸出手臂,支持國產疾苗吧! 故事分享: 小明有位同父異母的惡霸哥哥大福,人高馬大的大福常常欺侮弱小的小明。學校下課玩跳橡皮筋報天空跳房子,常常故意不參小明。有一天小明把午餐費拿去買漫畫書,錢花完了,中午餓肚子時,哭著告訴小朋友他的午餐費被大福搶走了,於是善良的小朋友們都秀秀小明,並開心和小明分享自己的午餐。 小明吃得津津有味,德不孤必有鄰。 ------///----///------以下為流傳之請願書----///--------///--- 加拿大政府預購了全國人民數倍的疫苗,屆時必須在有效期限內,將絕大多數疫苗捐贈各國。 若您有空,請考慮一起連署給杜魯道總理,請願加拿大能捐贈新冠病毒疫苗幫助台灣。 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, As a Taiwanese Canadian, I would like to join the petition to plead Canada to share some Covid-19 vaccines to Taiwan. Many of our families live in Taiwan where Covid-19 has recently become serious. The Covid-19 death toll has increased 28 times in the last 2 months. Taiwan has been trying to buy vaccines from some manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca without success due to political interference from China. Japan and the US have recently helped Taiwan with 1.24 million and 750 thousand vaccine doses to help control the Covid-19 outbreak. However, only 3.2% of Taiwans population has received their 1st dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Taiwan has a population of almost 24 million, but the island is only one tenth bigger than BCs Vancouver Island. Taiwan is in desperate need for help from Canada. We know that Canada often tries to help those who are in need. We plead for your serious consideration to share some Covid-19 vaccines to Taiwan. We appreciate your time and attention on this matter. With gratitude, 也請你轉發此連署邀請給你認識在加拿大的台灣人,希望我們能為台灣的疫情盡點力,謝謝! |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |