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所給你們的幸福 the happiness that we give to you
2012/06/11 11:10:00瀏覽110|回應0|推薦3

The happiness we give to you in order to make up the deficiency of not-live-with your grandparents and other relatives (為了彌補你們無法每天享受阿公阿媽及大家庭愛所給你們的幸福)

1. Hug More: Whever I grasp the chance to hug you and kiss you, that’s the strongest and quickest way to express love to you.
2. Create Special Moments: I creat a lot special moment when we can talk deeply, laugh wildly, and dance passionatedly.

   3. Cook Together: I am not a good cook but I dream that cooking will be a get-together time for us.

    4. Celebrate Art: We have many chances to celebrate arts, in our house decoration, in your daily art craft, in our museum or nature visit, and in art books we read every day.

   5. Express Affection: I spend most of time expressing affection to you all the time.
6. Relax and Enjoy One Another: Take a bath together is the most relaxingway for us to enjoy one another.

     7. Share Special Time before Bed: During bed time, we share our moods, I touch you by my hands, story-telling, my songs, and my prayers.
8. Play Games Together: There are many toys in our house, but you both like Daddy or Mama to be your toy and play game together.

       9. Keep Good and Nutritious Food in the House: We seldom eat out for there are always lots of good and nutrutious food in house.
10. Dance and Sing Together: Dance in the wonderful music in front of our big mirror is what mother enjoy most with you.

       11. Enjoy a Pet: Raise any pet is the best way for you to know how to love and give.  
12. Enjoy nature and exercise: Our best outside entertainment is to visit the nature or take exercise.

    13. Appreciate One Another: I like to play thankful game among us. The most beautiful and powerful sentence in the house is: I love you, Thank you, Please forgive me, I feel sorry.
14. Listen to One Another: Listen is the best way to clam down every ittitation among us.

    15. Remember the Extras: "A nice house has wind chimes hanging, and you can hear birds singing outside the window." (Tara, age five)
16. Pamper One Another: Every one in the house need a special time and chance to pamper himself or herself.
17. Communicate Openly: We communicate openly every time and there is no big secret among us.

   18. Show Interest in One Another: Mother form a habit to spare certain specific time for one another or she would get too indulged in her own interest.

    19. Share and Read Stories Together: There are almost 100 new books in our house every week for us to enjoy. Reading books are the best way for us to enjoy ourselves.

20. Wrestle Together: You both are always wrestle together that’s the way for you both to connect each other.
21. Keep Plants or Flowers in the House: Thankful for your green-handed Daddy who is inerested and good at planting for us and the house.

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