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My wonderful summer
2011/07/18 08:35:32瀏覽137|回應0|推薦4

My wonderful summer

We enjoy different kind of travel this summer. Take a trip in a neighborhood by biking or headed for other cities for several days. We spent our trip in our both far-away house: Taitung and Yiuling, in the humble camp or in a grand five-star-hotel. And I am brainstorming what else is our next destination. The different scene and people we met along really offered a fresh new perspective but the unchanged inspiration is that how blessed we feel we are to live in our dream house which is matchless by any other place.
We aimed to get more close to real beauty in our every trip so we spend most our days with the nature or museums. There's nothing like sand between your toes and fresh sea air when I was bathed in my hometown’s ocean. The food taste better and we sleep deeper and warmer in the dark camp when we camp with new friends in the chilly
清靜農場. What’s more, the exhilarating moods for every first visit to different museum add lots of beautiful memory for us. We also marvel at every well-designed building and various pictures in every museum.

No work only play will not make the summer whole. Certain work makes the vacation go more smoothly. Daily routine housework makes the house in an endurable condition for us. Forcing kids to do pre-planed-studying enables kids to have more freedom to play. All in all, we expect that there is work and learning in our play and there is play in our work. In summer, we are our own boss, so there is no definitely boundary between work and play. Children work more when they are in a playful mood. I always embrace a working attitude in every play. As a result, our body gets enough workouts when we are playing the bike, game, dancing, swimming, and running. In fact, the greatest satisfaction I found in my summer break is not in any form of playing but the relief and sense of achievement when I fulfill a task I need to do.

The biggest relief I get during the vacation is enough sleep. Sleeping for 8 hours per night elevate my mood and better prepare me to greet the day. Hanging around with my kids around the clock, I definitely feel more comfortable and connected than with coworkers. The real and deep laugh when I am with my kids releases endorphins and lowers levels of stress hormones. The desirable food, music, and activities enable us in a great healthy condition, especially the natural high after we riding bike together, relishing the fresh air and scenery.

Before falling asleep, kids and I will process our “grateful celebration” every night. Make a grateful and planning list and focus on all the great things in our life to enhance feelings of joy and attract more good things. There are more quality time and conversation among the families. I can talk and act more gracefully in front of my kids. My calmer and happier attitude set a great example for kids.



Staying more close to my families and friends is the most important thing during the vacation, especially bring my niece to live with us for several weeks. I have more time for people who need me. There are more intimate mental and physical hugs around. I have took lots of families’ pictures during every trips which will be a powerful resources for my future intimacy hunger.

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