2006 / 10 / 17 (1 歲)
When you are crying..
Your crying gets on my nerves every time.
I spare no efforts to stop your crying.
I am guessing why you’re crying.
Are you hungry, cold, wet, tired, bored, warm, or just uncomfortable?
I always comfort myself that you will cry less as you grow older when you find other ways to calm yourselves, like sucking on pacifiers or fingers or playing with your hands.
While crying is normal, sometimes your crying seems for no reason.
When you are crying, you cry a loud, piercing cry; swing your arms and legs; arch your back; pull her knees up to your stomach while crying
And I find that you may cry because..
‧ Gases passing through your stomach cause pain.
‧ Painful cramps occur because of changes in hormones after your birth.
‧ You are too stimulated by the outside world.
‧ You cry to release tension.
‧ You are scolded.
‧ You feel deserted.
‧ You feel scared.
‧ You feel threatened……….
Sometimes, I feel you are a fussy baby.
I feel frustrated about your crying.
I feel painful to see you are so uncomfortable.
Please stop crying..
It’s the last thing I want to see in the world.
Let me hold you tight and gently.
Let me sing a song for you.
Let me give you a ride.
Let me give you a massage.
Let me give you a playful swing.
Let me give you a wonderful bath.
Let me help you………………………