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P.S. I love you
2010/02/02 09:18:19瀏覽182|回應0|推薦3

I choose not resist my fear in front you for I know what I resist will persists. I directly tell you that I fear you lose your charm on me for your depression and indifference to me. I enlarge the negative part in our relationship. My real intention is not to be the victim and to blame you but to ask help from you to help me to solve this potential crisis in our relationship. I believe that we both would do our best for each other. Although I use certain threat which really destroy my loyalty and commitment in our relationship, my motivation is all arouse your alarming awareness to the issue. I am just asking what I want and also what you want; we hence can enjoy more. I trust so much about your love to me so that’s why I know I am still titled to ask something from you.
Dear, I am stilling learning to fight against and express my fear (my false assumption). I regret that I use too menacing and aversive tone to express more my anger than fear to you. However, luckily I am for you know me more that I do. And after profound communication even ferocious argument or negotiation, we win the result that all fear is originated from love. My low self-esteem or insecurity really makes me a self saboteur easily. However, I don’t always pretend to be the victim because my tender and humble attitude really enables me to do lots of self-sacrifice in all issues. I hope I would appear more lovely, compassionate, and kind in front of you which need your cooperation.
Dear, I acclaim to you so often that I am always your audience for I admire and love you most but your verbal violence, depression, and hot temper really rob your charm from me. I set our relationship at first priority that is why I always try to share you so much. I share you so much about stories, music, inspiration, happiness, and touch. However, I am not sure if that’s what you want; there is still a lot to be desired in winning your heart. I always try to be a perfect lady for you and try to get your applause. Please give me more encouragement than criticism to train me or guide me to be the one who you desire. And also please be more mindful for my fear about your fading charm to me. Romance, love, even lust could be re-built in our marriage and I am always devoting a lot in it.
I know there is a lot you want to do about your depression and unhappiness. But I would wait for your recover and hope that the new inviting experience would come in our relationship.

I list what I want from you:
1. Be happier and more grateful for everything.
2. Do more constructive and productive activity to enrich your empty mind.
3. Be more energetic and focus on life, especially after the duty.
4. Don’t waste your energy or time on gloomy all the time.
5. Spend some time about how to please and respect your wife.
6. Be more confident about my admiration and commitment on you.
7. Be more carefree to life.
8. Don’t give yourself and me too much stress.
9. Be more attentive to what I share (films, movies, and books)
10. Act more about how to enjoy life.

P. S. I love you so much.
And please list what you want from me………my dear!

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