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I love you
2010/03/02 20:29:51瀏覽285|回應0|推薦0

Expressing love to you is paramount in my every weekend because these two days are the only days for me to make up for the five days of my not-being-with you. If I don’t tell you how much I love you, I’ve wasted a day.

I love you #1

I take your as many photos as possible for I started a love album with your photos and love note on them.

I love you #2

over the years, I came up with my self-created nursing rhymes with you. My kissing, hugging are not enough to show you how much I love you. I make up certain love songs for you both which warm up my every loving ceremony with you.

I love you #4

I put a sofia’s box at our Pintung’s house in order to collect as many love items for you as possible. My sofia’s box is a great container of love. Put numerous collected stuff of love: toy, cards, picture books, doll, and so on which can stand for my love to you. Whenever I go back to Uiuling, I would play the role of your Santa Claus to show you my delayed or collected-5-days-love for you.

I love you #5

Bed times are great opportunities to show love to you. Reading time is the most wonderful and well-prepared efforts of me to show you my love. Although your different reading level from David frequently ruins the smooth reading flow, I am still insistent to read as least 20 picture books for you on weekends.

I love you #6

I will kiss your whole body when you are naked. I would claim loudly how beautiful you are. I keep reminding you that I have as the same love to you as to David. And you are our princess who possesses so many fans and lovers. I spare Father to you whenever you need him. I perceive that you are his previous and most important lover.

I know that there should be more to list and I would keep to ask you “What can I do to make you feel loved?”

( 創作詩詞 )
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