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2010/02/01 20:42:16瀏覽151|回應0|推薦2

When I was a little girl, fear was like the scar on my body which parentally exists in my life.
The fears were parents’ violent fight, the families’ argument, and the curse of I-am-a-bastard.
Lucky to say, my reserved religious faith is the scarf for me to cover the ugly which I heard, I saw, and I experienced in my real life.

When I was a student, fear was like a haunted memory which repeated again and again in my thought, mind, and behavior.
The fears were families’ financial stress, brothers’ self-denying stories, and the loneliness in my pursuit of security, confidence, and peace from my hardworking attitude, and stoic lifestyle.
Lucky to say, my glorious performance in studying and humble attitude is magic background music which dismisses the depressing and frightening picture in my memory.

When I was a single young lady, fear was like a weak child in my deep mind which hunger for love, appreciation, affirmation, and attention from people around.
The fears were my attachment for love, the self-inferiority of my poverty, and the burden of my too much stress.
Lucky to say, my dear husband is my best care-taker who can nurture what I hunger in my weak mind.

When I was a mother, fear was like a robber which robs of my time and energy.
The fears were my failure of my self-fulfillment, the stress of motherhood, the burden of more relationships from families-in-law.
Lucky to say, knowledge and wisdom from books, music, and films is the best vigilance which protects me from any attack of it.

Now, there is still fear but I bravely accept it and even prepare for it.
I want more 活在當下, instead of活在當嚇

Now, I even perceive my next fear at my age of 40

When I am 40 year old, fear will be like the cloud in the sky which exists in a sunny day, rainy day, or stormy day. It is part of the scene of life, even the more natural and permanent part.
The fear will be more experience of life: aging, illness, and death of myself or families.
Lucky to say, children’s growth will be the answer of why there is cloud in the sky. That is, it is the nature. Like life, it is a cycle; comes and goes.

I believe that fear and peace is the same thing at different sides.
When you see the fear, the peace is there.
Just like the deficiency of our life is what we are abundant in(我們生命的缺口就是我們生命價值所在).
So dear, what is your fear?

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