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Quantum torus
2007/04/18 18:23:26瀏覽2156|回應2|推薦44


2007年04月18日 天氣  陰

   前兩天和物理系的朋友閒聊,除了感慨現今的資優教育,他的資優寶寶除了老愛問問題堵老師外,常常不知自己找尋答案的困擾外,順道也聊起到前陣子數學界的新聞:「用數學印證物理 數學界夫妻檔 獲世界頂尖期刊肯定 」,夫妻檔王金龍教授、林惠雯教授和李元斌教授所寫的論文刊登美國數學年鑑(Annals of Mathematics)

    其實我這個大學數學棄嬰兼受虐兒根本壓根沒想再注意這些新聞,然而友人在意這篇文章--實在因為這篇跨領域的論文除了在數學的高維度運作有突破,也敲定了弦場論的背景意義。於是珠兒暫時將兩人對話中的部分想法與問題稍加紀錄下來...。也因之前沒太注意這消息,對話中顯露出很多問號,除了個人在量子環本身在數學與物理上意義上的差別頗大外,友人問及Quantum ring的定義時,自己更是無法清楚,甚至在他引述新聞中的內容:『王金龍說,若以淺顯的例子說明,即是「在空間手術的環境下,將馬克杯的把手切割後,再隨意黏貼於杯子上的任何位置,仍可發揮把手功能,輕鬆把杯子拿起」。』之後,我的反應是「咦~~那應該是Quantum torus,而不是Quantum ring的表現啊?!也許可以找到ring作對應,但是那應該也是背後的作業,而不會是直接呈現的運動過程。」(很顯然珠兒根本沒看過那篇論文)。

   王金龍教授、林惠雯教授和李元斌教授寫的這篇「Flops, motives and invariance of quantum rings」是Geometry在高維度上Kähler moduli space所產生的效果,很訝異作者會想到了K-equivalent smoth variety 中談論到如此特殊的Mukai flops,細部的在twist boundle上去看,最後珠兒很想對那位碩士專攻string的友人說:「其實對我而言,論文參考文獻中關於Quantum ring的文獻,應該仍有很多人始終搞不清楚在可說明string world-sheet的維度下,兩者是否能相容洽,而這個理由也是當初為何當初新聞一出來,我連想找這篇論文在哪裡的動機都沒有的原因...至於Quantum torus,我是胡亂找找到的名詞,別問我那是什麼了吧。」雖然或許這篇所推廣的範圍更勝弦論對於空間的解釋,想想當初弦論的誕生應該不是因為要解釋空間的運作,何必苛求他要能詮釋所有呢!


  1. 偷偷看到論文參考文獻的最後,陳燕美教授的聯絡方式也在其中耶!作者欄位--沒有出現@@
  2. 關於Quantum Torus,這裡有一篇賀培銘教授的論文「Twisted Bundle On Quantum Torus and BPS States in Matrix Theory」,或許可以作為相關的參考。
  3. 如果有人能告訴我以上兩個怪人談論的相關議題,歡迎提供給我,珠兒很想收集此類的相關言論~~感恩各位有緣人。
( 興趣嗜好收藏 )

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2007/07/02 02:28 【琉璃帳】 另一個宇宙,有另一個你嗎?


interpretation of a quantum torus.
2007/05/15 09:32

Thanks, Pei-Ming. Gee get a letter from him. The following is his interpretation of a quantum torus:

First let me explain the general idea of a quantum space.
The mathematician A. Connes has a book
"Noncommutative Geometry" and it is supposedly
one of the origins of quantum spaces like quantum
torus. The general idea is this. Since many properties
of a classical space (a manifold or a topological space)
can be described as properties of the algebra of
functions on the space, we can try to define spaces
by talking about the algebra of functions only, without
talking about the points on the space. Then we
consider the generalization of the definition of spaces
(in terms of the algebra of functions) by allowing
the algebra (of functions) to be noncommutative.

The quantum torus is an example. It is defined only
in terms of the algebra of "functions on the quantum
torus", without talking about "points" on the space.
The algebra is defined as the linear space
{ U^m V^n } for all integers m, n.
U and V are the generators of this algebra.
They satisfy the following properties
U^* = U^{-1}, V^* = V^{-1}
(* = Hermitian conjugate).
UV = qVU, where q is a phase factor.
A different choice of the constant q gives
a different quantum torus.

If we take q = 1, then we get an ordinary torus
(we usually call it a "classical torus"). In that case,
U = e^{ix_1}, V = e^{ix_2}, and x_1, x_2 are
the coordinates on the torus and
x_1 ~ x_1 + 2\pi, x_2 ~ x_2 + 2\pi.

So this is my explanation.

平行宇宙 and String theory
2007/04/30 15:22