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廖 柏 森
3. 一般語語功能的句型
撰寫論文時除了各個章節特有的句型之外,還有General Language Functions (一般功語言能)的句型可適用於所有章節中。一般性語言功能的句型有很多種,此網頁列出Being Critical (表達批判性)、Being Cautious (表達謹慎性)、Classifying and Listing (分類與列表) 、Compare and Contrast (比較與對照) 、Defining Terms (界定詞彙)、Describing Trends (描寫趨勢) 、Describing Quantities (描寫數量) 、Explaining Causality (解釋因果關係) 、Giving Examples (提供例證)、Signaling Transition (顯示轉折)、Writing about the Past (撰寫過去式) 、等相關句型,只要點選進去即可學習使用。以下以Defining Terms (界定詞彙)為例,點選之後就可看到如下的句型: 圖三: Defining Terms (界定詞彙)的頁面 此頁一開始就告訴我們撰寫定義(writing Definitions)的重要性,原文如下: When important words are not clearly understood misinterpretation may result. In fact, many disagreements (academic, legal, diplomatic, personal) arise as a result of different interpretations of the same term. In academic writing, teachers and their students often have to explore these differing interpretations before moving on to study a topic. (若未能清楚理解重要詞彙,就可能造成誤解。事實上,許多學術、法律、外交、或個人的爭論都起因於對同一詞彙的不同詮釋。在學術寫作時,教師和學生通常也需先探討各種不同的詮釋後才會往下進行研究某一主題。) 接下來再看該網頁提供的句型,又分為幾類寫法,包括Introductory phrases (引介用片語)、Simple three-part definitions (簡單的三部份組成定義) 、General meanings/ application of meanings (一般性意義/ 意義的應用) 、Indicating difficulties in defining terms (指出定義詞彙的困難) 、Specifying terms that are used in an essay/thesis (明確說明報告/論文中所使用的詞彙) 、Referring to people’s definitions (引述別人的定義)等,幾乎涵括了論文寫作時界定詞彙的所有句型。其中在撰寫文獻討探時一定會用到的定義句型就是Referring to people’s definitions (引述別人的定義),我們可以看看此網頁提供哪些套句: Smith (1954) was apparently the first to use the term ...... (Smith (1954)顯然是第一個使用這個詞彙的人…) Chomsky writes that a grammar is a 'device of some sort for producing the .....' (1957, p.11). (Chomsky寫道文法是:「某種產出…的裝置」(1957,頁11)。) According to a definition provided by Smith (2001:23), fluency is 'the maximally ...... (根據Smith (2001:23)的定義,流暢是:「…最大程度地…」) The term "fluency" is used by Smith (2001) to refer to ......( 「流暢」一詞根據Smith (2001)的定義是…) Smith (2001) uses the term "fluency" to refer to ......( Smith (2001)使用「流暢」一詞來表示…) For Smith (2001), fluency means/refers to .......(對Smith (2001)而言,「流暢」意謂/指的是…) Macro-stabilisation policy is defined by Smith (2003: 119) as “......................” (宏觀穩定政策由Smith (2003: 119)界定為:「…」) The term "matter" is used by Aristotle in four overlapping senses. First, it is the underlying ....... Secondly, it is the potential which ......( Aristotle使用「物質」一詞有四種重疊的意義。一是…的基礎;二是…的潛能…) Smith et al. (2002) have provided a new definition of health: "health is a state of being with physical, cultural, psychological ....." (Smith等人(2002)提供健康的新定義: 「健康是生理、文化、心理上的….狀態」) In 1987, sports psychologist John Smith popularized the term X to describe ...... (在1987年,運動心理學家John Smith推廣X一詞來描述…) 由上可知,光是在文獻探討引述他人定義時就有如此眾多的句型。通常我們在論文中要界定的詞彙很多,而且需引述自不同的作者或研究文獻,因此多學習幾種不同的句型,可讓我們在寫作時不至於詞窮或重複相同句型,甚至多用不同句型更可增加表達的多樣性(diversity)。不過畢竟撰寫英文論文所需句型數量是很龐大的,此網站提供的句型也不可能應付每位讀者的所有寫作需求,因此筆者建議同學可以參照此網站的架構,就自己的研究領域或主題蒐集常用的論文寫作句型,以備不時之需。另外在蒐集句型的過程中,也可提升自己對於論文寫作元素和結構的意識,有助於增進論文寫作的效能。 |
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