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2011/08/10 13:31:59瀏覽747|回應0|推薦0

────────UDN部落格, 2011/08/10, 075────────


Portland, Maine.

271 Park Avenue.

, July 31, 2011.

Hadlock Field. the stadium where the hosting Sea Dogs, the Double-A minor league affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, play all home games against the visiting teams.

Batting practice.

Around the cage.

Hi, Mike. (Note)

Chih-Hsien, the hitting streak seems unstoppable, are you a machine? (Note) 

Certainly not. I am a human being born in Taiwan as a native aborigine.

How about winning the MVP title of the Eastern League when the season comes to an end?

Sounds great, Why not were it true, but unlikely.

Promoted to Pawtucket soon?

I prefer being traded to elsewhere, indeed.

Along with Ryan (Note) or Will (Note)? You trio are the most tempting baits dangling in BoSox’s farm system.

Speaking of Ryan, don’t you think this guy is a monster? His numbers are much better than that of mine.

You both are crazy.

Nope, Ryan’s more incredible. Considering he’s a catcher, the performances Ryan’s demonstrated obviously excel what I’ve accomplished.

As a receiver behind the plate, your good friend Chun Chen has so far done a tremendous job, too.

His full name is Chun Hsiu Chen, remember it, please.

Chun SHOT Chen huh? That’s funny. He’s extremely powerful.

Hsiu, spelling H-s-i-u, not S-h-o-t, we are not Japanese, we come from Taiwan, most people there usually were given 3 characters when named by parents.

Not like Kei Igawa? Consisting of just 2 separate unit-like segments?


One of Trenton’s pitching staff. An apparently over high-paid Japanese southpaw, a notorious investment manipulated wrongly by the yankees years ago though. You ever smacked a homer off him in May.

Oh, I’ve got it. Chun Hsiu also hit him really hard.

Long balls?

A base-loaded 2 runs double driven directly into the top of the wall in deepest center field, almost a grand slam, he just missed it.

So you rewarded Chen a triple as a compensation for his miserable loss?

What’re you talking about?

Back on June 18, when we were in Akron, the home town of LeBron James, Chen picked up his first three-bagger of the season by sending a line driver toward you in right field, you tried to make a sliding catch but failed, and the ball rolled far away from you, Chen then took the advantage in favor of him to reach third easily with a standing triple.

Gambling plays, you know, are parts of the game of baseball, either offense or defense, sometimes you gain something desirable, at most times you lose everything valuable, just like that, a good swing of the bat tested your judgment, allowing Chen effortlessly to beat my speed, he deserved it, simply no doubt, right?

The strikeouts Chen collects are awful. He was fooled by lots of more experienced decent pitchers since the ball season kicked off except in Wang’s rehab game.

Chun Hsiu is still learning everything new, so do Lin and I. It’s Chen's first stint in this league, Chen will gradually get better and better sooner or later and eventually develop into an excellent big leaguer playing everyday up where he belongs to for any club.

Do you think Chien Ming could endure the hardship he suffers right now to seize the chance and create a magical miracle of his own only to bring us an unbelievable come back?

Wang does face dozens of tough challenges in front of him, I am not quite sure at all for it but eagerly hope so and wish him strike back as soon as possible.

In your opinion, if Wang couldn’t survive in genuine fantasy leagues of the real world, that’s to say, he is unable to reproduce the success he enjoyed while dressed in a Yankee uniform and finally forced to quit the majors………

Come on! Buddy, the sense of frustrations and those good old glory days are matters of everybody’s life, whether Wang can or can’t rebound again are just the same, stop cursing him, be nice enough, okay? Wang is our national hero who is nearly irreplaceable till now.

Why not you? Chih Hsien Chiang is possibly the most eligible candidate to be honored as the best player in Eastern League for consecutive 2 months in a row.

Me? Are you kidding? Don’t forget I am currently stuck to the minors. How come should a double A player is qualified to be compared with Wang’s historically unprecedented achievements? That’s ridiculous. Baseball in Taiwan is kind of a weird country which, to some extents, is overwhelmingly filled with irrational nationalistic hype all the time island wide, that’s too much to take and is unreasonable to be realized entirely by the outsiders.

Hey, be self-confident. You’ll probably start constructing another famous stardom and establish yourself as a brand-new national icon quickly once playing up there in a short time.

Wang’s formidable personal contributions to the whole fellow compatriots are so unique, he helps everyone build up a stronger national identity under his influence, I winder were anybody to overturn it completely upside down, believe me or not, absolutely nobody.

Haven’t you ever heard what compliments people praise you? Such as some appreciative labels they tag upon your energetic stick?

Never, like what?

Major-league bat, good balance, Plus-bat speed, quick hand and so on. (Note)

I have no idea of that. I was struck out so many times, too.

I always assume an encouraging breakout year could pave the way to inspire and lead you to manage a brighter future as well as a more aggressive professional career.

Back home off season taking over Wang’s unshakeable high profile status?

Something like that.

Positively it generates huge motivation for me to keep going, on the contrary, it also, meanwhile, turns out negatively to be an origin of pressure.

Take it easy, boy, you’ve made a couple of team histories.

Oh, yeah?

70 plus doubles during a span of 2 years, atop all guys ever played for Portland.

That many?

3 grand slams already, also a franchise record.

So scarce? too few, ha!

So how many extra-base hits will you deliver tonight?

Maybe 2.

A pair of bombs?

At least 1 double, I promise.


Totally agree!

Great! Good luck, Chih Hsien.


See you later.

Play Ball!

Chih Hsien is scratched from the lineup before the scheduled game time.

He is unexpectedly traded to somewhere unknown?

Instead of heading to Seattle, the previously destined city planned earlier, rumors say Chih Hsien has suddenly flown to Chicago?

It’s a four-way deal involving the Mariners, the Dodgers, the BoSox and the Cubs?

Chih Hsien pinch-hits a walk-off grand slam in the bottom of the ninth, Chiang’s first at-bat in MLB spoils Wang’s hungry bid for his first win in 2 years.

Wang throws a 6 frames, one-hitter gem, but the Nats’ bullpen just can’t prevent Chiang’s hot bat from launching a come-from-behind blast. What a wonderful debut night for Chih Hsien!

In Portland, the Dogs and the Akron Aeros are still tied at 20 after playing 27 innings, Chun Hsiu Chen, one of Chih Hsien’s pals, roundtripping 3 times, has piled up a career high astonishing record for 10 ribis in one game.

Let’s pause 10 seconds for station identification of the US cellular Sea Dogs radio network and wait for tons of long distance call-ins from Taiwan via Skype to plebiscite which one is their true new idol, Wang, Chen, Chih Hsien or all the trio combined together as a holy whole canonized the living Saint Baseball immortally worshiped in a mad state, de facto independant yet unborn, usually self-idealized as the Republic of Formosa !



Mike Antonellis, the broadcasting director of the "Voice of the Sea Dogs." for 7 straight years. He is very, very friendly to both Lin and Chiang when on air.

Mike's Blog: Inside the Clubhouse with Mike Antonellis


Mike did ever use the terms, a machine and “ what can you say” to address Chih Hsien for Chiang’s efficient swings.


The Yale graduate Ryan Lavarnway’s player page: http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/stats/stats.jsp?pos=C&sid=milb&t=p_pbp&pid=543432


The player page of the Texas cowboy Will Middlebrooks:



Portland's leading man:


Portland's Chiang swings into high gear:


Why a win in MLB is so difficult for Wang? An understandable ssumption: 邊角速評》李祖杰:王建民的臂膀另座福島核電廠(20110317-2)http://blog.udn.com/unhittables/4991335

The most fundamental winning code a wild Wang should follow closely:



( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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