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2009/03/06 23:57:46瀏覽861|回應4|推薦1 | |
N:比比~ 把眼睛閉起來~ T:幹嘛閉起來? N:給妳禮物阿~ T:是什麼禮物? N:妳先把眼睛閉起來 我才會拿出來給妳 T:閉就閉...-.- (趕快跳下床, 以極快的速度穿上襯衫,牛仔褲,繫皮帶, 再穿上西裝外套) ((盡可能把自己用好看一點)) N:我想妳也應該穿一下衣服. (把一件浴袍丟過去) T:幹嘛穿衣服阿? N:妳等一下就知道了啦 T:你幹嘛穿那麼正式阿? N:齁~妳還偷看!把眼睛閉起來~不然沒有禮物 T:喔...(又閉起來了) 還要多久阿? 好慢喔~ (其實也才沒過多久...) N:數到100 T:不要 我只數到50 N:好, 那妳數慢一點 T:23 24 25 26 27 N:太快了啦~ (再以最快的速度check一下戒指在不在, 把它放進口袋, 再把準備好的DV拿出來接上av端子,打開電視) =Play= (DV的畫面開始在電視上播放) N:好了~妳可以睜開眼睛了 (同時間把藏在窗簾後面的花拿出來) N:比比~送妳的禮物, 51個月快樂. T:不是慶祝過了嗎? N:唉呦~ 51個月快樂嘛 T:這是什麼阿? 怎麼會有Carrie? N:我錄的阿~ (比比坐在床上看著電視螢幕, 我坐在旁邊,可是被那一大束花隔著, 看不到比比的表情了) T:ㄟ~ Valen耶 那是Brandon的聲音嗎? N:是阿 T:怎麼還有Shopping~ N:對阿~還有歐哥喔 T:你什麼時候錄的阿 N:嘻嘻... T:你怎麼還錄鍾介凡阿? N:對阿, 他是唯一的朋友 T:哈哈 你哥的頭髮好好笑喔~ T:ㄟ~ 還有Jacky~ N:對阿 他講的超好笑的 N:還有喔~ T:ㄟ~怎麼又是Carrie T:對阿...( Carrie後來已經自己解釋了) N:還有~ T:ㄟ~Judy~ 這她家喔~ 我都還沒去過耶... (在影片接近尾身的同時, 我走向比比的床邊) T:齁~來這招 N:嘻嘻~ N:比比, hmm...我們在一起51個月了...(掏出戒盒, 亮出戒指) T:哇賽~來真的 N:是阿 就是來真的....................妳...願.意.嫁.給.我.嗎? T:齁~要讓我考慮考慮阿~(我以為手指立刻就伸出來了, 怎麼會這樣阿?) N:唉呦~我錄的很辛苦耶, 有沒有很感動. T:嗯~是很用心啦 N: 這個戒子我選了好久,它的名字叫"Baby Rose",主鑽旁邊的小粉鑽代表咪咪,我是希望你戴這個戒子時可以想到你最愛的兩個人,就是咪咪和我。 T:還把咪咪拖下水 T: 我的朋友都知道你要跟我求婚,不答應的話 是不是太不給你面子了? N:哪會阿~ 妳怎麼這樣想阿~結婚跟面子哪有關係? T:有阿~這樣你以後怎麼抬的起頭? N:阿大不了不見面嘛 就再努力阿(其實我當下真有點傷心, 真是感覺好像失敗了...) (盧了很久後.........) N:ㄟ 跪很久耶, 腳都酸了 T:還偷換腳~ N:對阿, 腳酸了...我自己錄的也應該開始了 (比比, 我終於錄完了..........) N:好啦~ 其實 我是想我們能夠有一個共同的目標 一起為我們的未來努力, 我不知道要說什麼了...(真的...整個腦袋一片空白...詞窮了) T: 剛剛你哥那段好像有說我答應前可以叫你做個100下伏力挺身之類的耶~~ N: 喔優~~不要聽他亂說! T:那你唱歌好了 N:唉呦......要唱什麼 @@ T:隨便阿, 要iPod嗎? N:不用哩........... N: ~Do you hear me talking to you, across water, across deep blue, ocean under the open sky oh my~ babe I am trying~SO HARD N:ㄟ 我都不知道求婚還要這樣討論耶~ 唉...我收起來好了... T:唉呦, 怎麼可以讓你太輕易得手呢? N:哇賽...妳媽真的很會教耶 T: 好啦(就在這個時候, 比比的手才伸出來...我還楞了一下) N:是真的嗎?你該不是怕我丟臉吧 T:對阿~你怎麼知道 N:好ㄌ 那我收起來了 T:好ㄌ 開玩笑的啦 (真的很不可思議, 都什麼時候了還開玩笑) 雖然時間比我預期的還有久了很多, 不過.....就這樣, 1/20當天晚上, 比比答應了我的求婚, 我將生平買的第一指鑽戒套進了比比的無名指. 非常感謝各位入鏡的朋友, 沒有你們的參與, 這個美麗動人的橋段是不可能在我和Tiffany的生命中發生的. 這將會是生命中最美好的回憶. 當天起床, 感覺整個氣氛都不一樣了耶! Yaahhhoooo~ ================================================== Today is our last day in Bangkok. We all know we are gonna miss here a lot! We went down to the restaurant for our last breakfast. We actually had no schedule for today, and planned to have a suntanned at hotel's swimming pool. As a result, we stayed in the hotel for the rest of the day. It was pity I didn't bring my running shoes, because it's also got a wonderful gym...I, again, missed a good chance of working out. However, I still swam for a bit though. I was the only one swimming in there, because It was a sunny day, but the water was actually freezing for no reason. After 3 hours at the pool, we went back to our room. Babe wanted to take the beautiful roses with her back to Taiwan, but sadly, it's against customs kind of things, so we took them out piece by piece for an extremely romantic and luxurious rose bath~ you do the math...haha Afterwards, we packed up and left our luggage at the counter in order to have our last lunch in Bangkok. We went to the Noodle Bar in Hotel, because it'll be too rush to go somewhere else. It's indeed a good restaurant! We had sea food patai again, and sea food noodle soup. They were so tasty that we decided to stay couple more days......I wish... Finally we left the Grand Millennium Hotel to Bangkok airport by taxi. We did purposely saved another $1000 for the taxi, but it turned out surprisingly to be only $300 -.- Well...it was like 1200 when we took taxi from airport to Bangkok the first day @.@ What's up with that?! We hanged out in the Bangkok airport for a while, and found out it's such a scheme to have a fresh coconut in airport, because it costs you 100 here. Remember, you can have 4 of it in Bangkok....... ALL IN ALL, IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TRIP EVER TO ME. I know it took me weeks and weeks to finish this journal, but wow, it's so fantastic that I can still remember these in details. For such a forgetful person like me, it's a mission impossible---- -------Then Nick & Tiffany live happily ever after------ |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |