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丹麥風情小鎮走走 A Couple of Hours Walking At Solvang
2013/03/30 11:26:00瀏覽119|回應2|推薦0
免費的停車場一旁  Near the free parking lot

於是,昨天,復活節的前兩天,耶穌受難日的那一天 ,他陪我出去走走、練練腳力........

Due to my severe ankle injury last October and having been staying at home since, my husband and I have accordingly found ourselves a lot of spare time during the used-to-be-so-busy celebration seasons, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter.....

So, yesterday, the Good Friday, the day before our Lord's Resurrection Day, my husband took me for a ride and we walked around a little town near Santa Barbara.

腳底有點兒等不及了! Getting ready to go!  (My husband is so handsome)

 I used to own a white pair! 我以前也有這麼一雙,純白的。
No fun to dance all by oneself.......一人跳舞不好玩兒......
Next time I am gonna bring my grandchildren along with me 下回要帶我孫兒女們一塊兒來!
Take a little rest  累了,歇會兒

Thank you, my Heavenly Lover, as well as my on-earth lover!  感謝我永恆的戀者,還有,我地上的情人!

Yes, Jesus Christ my Lord, all because that you had died for me and, for all


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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陳正華 Julia Chou@guest
Re: 丹麥風情小鎮走走 A Couple of Hours Walking At Solvang
2013/04/04 05:04
Thank you, Daughter! That is very sweet of you.

You know, Baba and I were certainly thinking of you that day while we were driving on the same road as when we used to take you to Westmont College.

The little town Solvang somehow also reminded me of you,maybe because it reminded me of the days when we visited Niagara-on-the-Lake together and we were all walking around the town together..... yeah,we also were thinking of you because of the fact that you were once chosen to go to Denmark as an exchanging student when you were in High School.

Sweet(and a little bitter :))memories.....and I certainly wished you could've been there with us this time in Solvang.....

Now, I look forward to being in ABQ in June to see you all and to meet my No.10 grandchild,can't wait!

Re: 丹麥風情小鎮走走 A Couple of Hours Walking At Solvang
2013/04/04 03:58
Oh my goodness, you guys are so cute. Mama, you look very lovely, and I wish we could've been there with you.