免費的停車場一旁 Near the free parking lot |
於是,昨天,復活節的前兩天,耶穌受難日的那一天 ,他陪我出去走走、練練腳力........
Due to my severe ankle injury last October and having been staying at home since, my husband and I have accordingly found ourselves a lot of spare time during the used-to-be-so-busy celebration seasons, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter.....
So, yesterday, the Good Friday, the day before our Lord's Resurrection Day, my husband took me for a ride and we walked around a little town near Santa Barbara.
腳底有點兒等不及了! Getting ready to go! (My husband is so handsome) |
I used to own a white pair! 我以前也有這麼一雙,純白的。 |
No fun to dance all by oneself.......一人跳舞不好玩兒...... |
Next time I am gonna bring my grandchildren along with me 下回要帶我孫兒女們一塊兒來! |
Take a little rest 累了,歇會兒 |
Thank you, my Heavenly Lover, as well as my on-earth lover! 感謝我永恆的戀者,還有,我地上的情人!
Yes, Jesus Christ my Lord, all because that you had died for me and, for all.