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2022/03/04 00:13:30瀏覽1054|回應0|推薦8 | |
1. 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。 道創造了一個宇宙,並從這一個宇宙分出陰陽二極,接著將帶有陰陽二極的物質結合起來生出第三類物質,最後把眾多第三類物質結合起來創造了萬物。 The Word made one unique universe, from the universe two elements (㊀ ㊉ ions, electrons/protons) were extracted, from the two elements a third type of compounds was produced, and from the third type of compounds all lives were created. 2. 萬物負陰而抱陽,沖氣以為和。 萬物都帶有陰陽兩種因子,當這兩種因子互相結合釋出能量後就會達到平衡狀態(這是在描述核分裂/融合、化學反應的過程)。 Every material carries both positive and negative ions, as the ions of different materials blend and react they release energy then reach a balance (this describes the nuclear fission/fusion and chemical reaction processes). 3. 人之所惡,唯孤、寡、不穀,而王公以為稱。 人們所厭惡的是被稱為「孤家、寡人、不善」,然而有德的君王卻願意用這種卑微的身份自居。 What disgusts us is to be called “solitary, autistic and incapable”. However, a righteous king does not mind to be named such a repulsive title. 4. 故物,或損之而益,或益之而損。 當某些物質的質量損耗時,另一些物質的質量會增加;當某些物質的質量增加時,另一些物質的質量則會損耗(此乃質量守恆定律)。 As the mass of one material decreases, the other will increase; as the mass of one material increases, the other will decrease (this is the law of mass conservation). 5. 人之所教,我亦教之。 這些前人教導我的道理,我們也可以用來教導後人。 We may use the principles taught by our forefathers to enlighten next generations. 6 . 強梁者,不得其死;吾將以為教父。 向大自然逞強(企圖與天鬥者),必死的無葬身之地;我們必須順從那永恆的道-那教導我們的天父! He who flaunts his own power and fights against heaven should perish without a grave; we must obey the eternal Word and regard him as God father. ================
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |