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2022/02/15 04:30:39瀏覽783|回應0|推薦12 | |
1. 執大象,天下往。 當公義的君王堅守真道,普天下的百姓都會前來歸順。 When a righteous king holds fast to the great Word of Heaven, the whole world will submit to him. 2. 往而不害,安平太。 歸向真道的萬民不會互相傷害,他們必得自由、平安、和睦。 Those who follow the Word will not harm each other but find freedom, peace, and harmony. 3. 樂與餌,過客止。 悅耳的音樂和美味的食物,會吸引過客停下來享受。 Euphonious music and delectable foods attract passing guests to stop and enjoy. 4. 道之出口,淡乎其無味。 然而世人卻不認識真道,因為真道的看起来平淡無味。 Yet the world does not know the Word of Heaven because he looks ordinary and insipid. 5. 視之不足見,聽之不足聞,用之不足既。 天道無形無像所以用眼睛去看卻看不見,無聲無息所以用耳朵去聽也聽不著,然而當我們需要他時卻發現天道的慈愛和能力沒有窮盡! The Word is intangible and imageless thereby when we try to watch we could not perceive, he is soundless and speechless so when we try to listen we can not hear; however when we need him we found his love and power endless. ================= JSLieh |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |