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2022/02/14 04:07:53瀏覽650|回應0|推薦6 | |
1. 知人者智,自知者明。 能理解別人的心思是智慧的表現,能認識自己的優缺點才是聰明人。 Being able to read one’s mind is a wisdom and to know self strength and weakness is intelligent. 2. 勝人者有力,自勝者強。 勝過別人只能說是有能力,能戰勝自己的弱點才是強者。 Winning others can only be said powerful, overcoming one’s weakness is truly the strongest. 3. 知足者富。 知足常樂的人是真正富有的人。 He who being content and joyful is the richest. 4. 強行者有志。 堅强的人肯定很有志氣。 Those who having a strong mind are always aspiring. 5. 不失其所者久。 能堅守氣節不離天道,生命必能長久。 He who following the Word of Heaven with integrity will have a long life. 6. 死而不亡者壽。 義人的肉身雖然會死,但靈命不會死反得永生。 The flesh of the righteous will die, yet his spirit will not perish and can live eternally. ================ JSLieh |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |