Chapter 5:Energy
6. 故善出奇者,無窮如天地,不竭如江河。終而復始,日月是也。死而復生,四時是也。
Hence, the commander who knows how to use indirect approaches will have tactics that are incessant as the movement of heaven and earth, unexhausted as the flow of rivers and streams; like sun and moon repeatedly rising and falling, like four seasons periodically passing away then returning.
7. 聲不過五,五聲之變,不可勝聽也。
Music is composed of not more than five basic notes (Do, Re, Mi, So, La), however, in combination they can produce more melodies than we may ever hear.
8. 色不過五,五色之變,不可勝觀也。
An image is consisted of not more than five basic colors (yellow, white, blue, red, black), yet the combination of them can yield more pictures than one may ever see.
9. 味不過五,五味之變,不可勝嘗也。
Food is made with not more than five basic flavors (sour, sweet, bitter, acrid, salt), but in combination they can create more gourmets than one may ever taste.
10. 戰勢不過奇正,奇正之變,不可勝窮之也。
The type of military actions is not more than two methods, direct attacks and indirect raids, but combinations of them can produce unlimited series of maneuvers for victory.