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孫子兵法 2:6-12 (作戰) 中英譯文
2020/10/30 22:10:27瀏覽362|回應0|推薦5

第二篇:作戰 (Waging War)

6. 國之貧于師者遠輸,遠輸則百姓貧。近師者貴賣,貴賣則百姓竭,財竭則急於丘役。


A state falls in poverty by war for its continuous long-distance transport of army provisions. Long-distance transport makes people impoverished. Besides, the goods price near the military base will go up causing preserved supplies to be dried up. As the state finance deteriorates, the governor will impose heavy tax and labor.  

7. 力屈、財殫,中原內虛于家,百姓之費,十去其七。公家之費,破軍罷馬,甲冑矢弩,戟盾蔽櫓,丘牛大車,十去其六。


As military loses its strength and provisions are drained away, the kingdom’s treasury will be empty, and private wealthy will be lost by seven tenths. And six tenths of state’s resources will be dissipated due to broken chariots and exhaust horses, and damaged helmets, war robes, arrows, crossbows, halberds, shields, mantles, turrets, oxen, and large wagons.  

8. 故智將務食于敵。食敵一鐘,當吾二十鐘;杆一石,當吾二十石。


Hence a clever commander will set plan to seize provisions from enemy. One carload of enemy food is equal to twenty from homeland, a one-man carry load of provender from enemy is equivalent to twenty from homeland.

9. 故殺敵者,怒也;取敵之利者,貨也。


In order for soldiers to bravely kill enemies, they must first be enraged. Those who can defeat the enemy should be rewarded.

10. 故車戰,得車十乘已上,賞其先得者,而更其旌旗。車雜而乘之,卒善而養之,是謂勝敵而益強。


After ten or more chariots have been seized during
 chariot fighting, those who took the first should be rewarded. Captured chariots must have their flags replaced with ours and be mingled with our fleet to help fight. Surrendered soldiers should be kindly treated and integrated with our troop. This is so called the true victory and will make us stronger.

11. 故兵貴勝,不貴久。


The greatest object in warfare is rapid victory, not engages in prolonged battles. 

12. 故知兵之將,民之司命,國家安危之主也。


The commanders 
good at warfare are in control of people’s fate and in determination of national security.


( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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