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孫子兵法 1:11-16 (始計) 中英譯文
2020/09/29 00:17:54瀏覽430|回應0|推薦10

11. 將聽吾計,用之必勝,留之﹔將不聽吾計,用之必敗,去之。


The general that can use my strategy and is appointed to combat in battlefield will win, and so keep him in command. The general that cannot use my strategy and is dispatched to combat in battlefield will be defeated, and so dismiss him early.

12. 計利以聽,乃為之勢,以佐其外。勢者,因利而制權也。


While adopting favorable tactics, the commander should enhance his faith by developing a positive attitude, and help his army prepare the mission for wars. The circumstance in battlefield is dynamic, so the plan should be adapted toward winning directions.

13. 兵者,詭道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之遠,遠而示之近。

用兵之道,在於如何運用詭計欺瞞 (或誤導)對方。所以

The principle of all warfare is based on how to use tricks to deceive (or mislead) opponents. Hence,
 When the military force is powerful, we must pretend weak;
 When attacking, we should seem not to take actions;
 When getting near, make the enemy mistakenly think we are moving away;
 When moving away, make the enemy mistakenly think we are getting near.

14. 而誘之,而取之,而備之,而避之,而撓之,而驕之,而勞之,而離之,其不備,其不意。此兵家之勝,不可先傳也。


(1) 提供利益誘惑敵人使其麻痺,
(2) 擾亂敵人的軍心再去攻取,
(3) 實力雄厚時我們要有所防備,
(4) 武力強大時我們要暫時避戰,
(5) 對方老羞成怒時要刺激他們使其失去理智,
(6) 對方謙卑謹慎時要想辦法讓他們驕縱起來,
(7) 敵人放鬆安逸時要擾亂他們使其疲憊不堪,
(8) 敵人組織團結關係親密時要挑撥離間他們,
(9) 攻打時要挑選沒有防備的敵方陣地,
(10) 同時要在敵人意料不到的時刻出兵。


Tricky means to deceive (or mislead) the enemy include the following:

(1) Entice your opponent and paralyze them,
(2) Make the enemy disordered then destroy them,
(3) If your opponent is well secured prepare to defend,
(4) If your opponent is powerful then temporarily avoid them,
(5) When your opponent is furious irritate and make them insane,
(6) When your opponent is humbly cautious make them arrogant,
(7) If the enemy is in relaxation harass and make them unrest,
(8) If the enemy is well united seek to divide them,
(9) When attacking choose the unprepared garrison,
(10) And charge at the time unexpected by the enemy.

All these are means to victory, but must not reveal to your opponent beforehand.

15. 夫未戰而廟算勝者,得算多也﹔未戰而廟算不勝者,得算少也。


If the war-game simulation in the temple leads to winning before the war, the probability to victory is high; if the war-game simulation results in a loss beforehand, the probability to victory is low.

16. 多算勝,少算不勝,而況無算乎!吾以此觀之,勝負見矣。


More war-game simulation will lead to victory, lack of war-game simulation will result in defeat, don’t even mention without war-game simulation at all. From the observation through this point I can tell who tends to win or lose.


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