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2011/09/25 02:41:52瀏覽1280|回應0|推薦2

     近日一口氣買了好幾本工具書, 包括Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary
Builder [Kindle Edition], Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary
[Kindle Edition], (買這本電子版字典是因為友人所送紙版書字太小了),  Idioms
and Idiomatic Phrases, Correlatives, and Collocations , AMERICAN SLANG:
Cultural Language Guide to Living in the USA, McGraw-Hill's Conversational
American English (McGraw-Hill ESL References) , 全部都是電子版
(Kindle Edition), 在IMac 及iPad或Kindle上使用都很方便, 目前在Amazon上購買的
任何書最多可供五部電腦使用, 真的很划算, 以上五部電子字典總共48.64美金,

          Vocabulary Builder 為讀者做了兩大設想:(1) 增加讀者大量的雋永生動字彙
(to add a large number of words to your permanent working vocabulary, (2) 教讀者最有
用的字根俾讀者未來能繼續擴充字彙(to teach the most useful of the classical
word-building roots to help you continue expanding your vocabulary in the future.)。

           許多學習英文的人常說他們討厭背單字, 主要原因在於感到無趣, 這本字典
也提出這種論點, " 背一些無相關及不相關的英文字, 不僅困難, 更是耗時"
(Memorizing a series of random and unrelated things can be difficult and time-consuming.)
過去不少人依字母排列方式記憶; 有些人不究其字義, 也不知其用法; 有些人更不會
用字造出句子的種類。事實是, 字如果出現在上下文中, 自然容易記得, 也就是說,
當字義被闡釋清楚, 用途浮現之際, 我們當然就認為那些字值得記。(The fact that
we tend to remember words easily and naturally when they appear in some meaningful
context, when they've been shown to be useful and therefore worth remembering,
and when they've been properly explained to us.) 所以說, "懂得如何準確地使用一個字
, 與知道該字的意義同樣重要"。(Knowing precisely how to use a word is just as important
as knowing what it means.)

        以下這段話非常重要, “ Studies have shown that the only way a new word will
 remain alive in your vocabulary is if it's regularly reinforced through use and through reading.)
 也就是要不斷使用那些新字以及閱讀, 才能常保個人字庫清新。每個新字連同其定義
一定要大聲唸一遍。學會新字要立即使用, 一旦對某個字有信心, 就應將它用到你的寫
作上, 無論是你的論文, 專題報告, 日記。過去有句俗話:"Use it three times and it's yours."

         口語式英語(Conversational English)中主要為慣用語(idiomatic expressions), 而
McGraw-Hill's Conversational American English (McGraw-Hill ESL References) 這本會話字典, 係編給ESL(English as Second Language)人士使用, 內容源自 NTC的Dictionary of Everyday American English Expressions, 把5000條左右的expressions 分成464類, 出版時間為2011年, 內容頗新, 非常值得英語口語練習之用,像You're off on a tangent. 或說 You're getting off the subject. 都是離題之意。That's a horse of different color. 係指各種不同的問題。Idioms and Idiomatic Phrases, Correlatives, and Collocations 所列項目並非全為 idiom, 也包括collocations,common sayings, proverbs及有趣的表達法, 內容非常廣泛及豐富,


( 知識學習語言 )
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