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2021/01/30 21:26:55瀏覽22|回應0|推薦0
Cranberries have become synonymous with the holidays. So, it stands to reason that they should play a part in holiday baking. These cookies are a twist on an oatmeal-nut cookie. That cookie alone would be tasty, but the addition of dried cranberries gives them a little extra kick of flavor Womens Health Check hong kong.

I found this recipe in the 2006 edition of Christmas with Southern Living. This series of books is one of my favorites, which makes sense because I love the holiday season. These books have everything about the holidays from recipes and menus to decorating ideas. They are published annually, conveniently right around my birthday Health supplement Hong Kong

Quinn, with very little hinting on my part, is always kind enough to give me a copy. So, then I have from the end of August through the holidays to read and re-read (and re-read) them.

The original recipe suggests dipping half of each cookie in melted white chocolate mixed with shortening. To avoid using shortening and also to make them a bit more interesting, I drizzled melted white chocolate over them. Either way is perfectly fine. It’s just a matter of preference. Of course, they’re also delicious without any embellishment coworking space.
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