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2021/09/13 14:45:06瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0
Take a break from your usual banana bread and bake these Banana Bars with Browned Butter Icing. The flavor is fantastic Health Supplement Hong Kong!

We are all guilty of throwing out food. Those leftovers you thought you’d eat. That mystery container well past its due date. But, I have a hard time throwing out bananas. 

Overripe bananas can be the beginning of far too many good things to let them go to waste dc motor gear.

This weekend, I found myself with several super-ripe bananas and took to the internet to find something a little different to do with them. That’s when I found these bars.

The bars themselves are essentially banana bread in flavor and texture. In this case, though, the batter is poured into a half sheet pan and baked into thin bars Xero Pricing.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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