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2021/04/25 09:49:04瀏覽20|回應0|推薦0
Brown Butter Coconut Pecan Muffins are wonderfully flavorful without being overly sweet. They’re quick and easy to make, too!

The flavor combination in these Brown Butter Coconut Pecan Muffins is one of my favorites. I often use brown butter versus plain melted butter or oil in muffins to add a richer flavor. With the addition of coconut and pecans, you also get sweet, nutty flavor with a little crunch. It all works together without being too much. In fact, these muffins are pretty perfect in my book seminar event space.

As with most of my muffin recipes, these muffins are not too sweet. I usually dial back the sugar and focus more on the other flavors so you get less of a cupcake experience and more of a muffin. I do like to sprinkle a little coarse sugar on top of the muffins before baking to add a hint of sweetness and sparkle. Either white sanding sugar or turbinado sugar will do.

If you want to take an extra step for even more flavor, you can toast the coconut and pecans before adding them to the batter. To do that, spread them in an even layer on a lined, rimmed baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10-15 minutes. Alternately, you can toast them in a skillet over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes serviced apartment hk.

As with most muffin recipes, these Brown Butter Coconut Pecan Muffins are quick and easy to make. You’ll have these mixed and in the oven in short order. If you need a refresher on the finer points of making muffins, be sure to review my tips for mixing with The Muffin Method.

Brown Butter Coconut Pecan Muffins are perfect for a grab-and-go breakfast, a simple brunch addition, or a sweet snack. These are certainly in regular rotation in my muffin baking lineup teco electronics!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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