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2020/08/15 20:52:49瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
If your lives are as hectic as mine, simple recipes can be a blessing. I especially need a few simple ones in my repertoire during the even-busier-than-normal holiday season.

While my preference is to make cakes from scratch, I am not opposed to augmenting a cake mix. This cake starts with both a boxed cake mix and boxed pudding mix. It really is so quick and easy to put together. I had it mixed and in the oven within minutes Serviced apartment Causeway Bay.

I am on record as not being a huge butterscotch fan. I think that can be attributed in part to years spent trying to use butterscotch chips and being extremely disappointed. 

Then, I found Guittard’s butterscotch chips and decided to give butterscotch another try UK Visa.

The butterscotch flavor is not that pronounced in this cake. Overall, it’s a very mild flavor. I used semisweet chocolate for the glaze, but in hindsight I think bittersweet might have worked better. Of course, that’s a matter of chocolate opinion and I know better than to start the great chocolate debate.

So, is this a great dessert for finishing a big holiday meal? Probably not. But, it would ideal for having around the house for snacking and sharing during the holidays Civil Engineering Course.
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