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With all our baking done
2020/06/11 08:28:50瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0
With all our baking done, we were treated to a demonstration by Chef Jerod Rockwell from Simon Pearce Restaurant. After learning about spaetzle, chutney, gnocchi, and more, we were treated to all of those dishes and more at Simon Pearce. Plus, we watched wide-eyed and amazed as their glass blowers made their beautiful glass products 12 volt dc motors.

The next day, we all left Vermont in our different directions. I could have stayed and baked a few more days! I wish I could adequately express how much I enjoyed my visit to King Arthur Flour. Now that I’m home, I am inspired to bake and can’t wait to use some of the valuable things I learned at KAF abss.

And, of course, I’m so happy to have met such fabulous people. Everyone at King Arthur flour was so hospitable and helpful. Plus, I had the pleasure of getting to know my fellow bakers. If you don’t know them already, you should Virtual Office kowloon.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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