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2024/05/21 08:54:42瀏覽1|回應0|推薦0
Jam-Filled Doughnut Muffins are covered in cinnamon sugar and filled with a fruity surprise!

Just around the corner from our apartment, there is a coffee shop that sells some really amazing doughnuts. I’m not necessarily a raving fan of doughnuts, but these things are ridiculously good. Somehow I manage not to go out and get one on a daily basis. Be impressed.

Perhaps even more dangerous than the proximity of those doughnuts, though, is the discovery of this recipe for Jam-Filled Doughnut Muffins. It’s more than a bit frightening to know that I can have these beauties whipped up so quickly. And without even leaving home!

The taste of these delightful muffins are truly reminiscent in flavor of doughnuts, although the texture is more toward the muffin end of the spectrum. That sprinkling of cinnamon-sugar on top really adds to the flavor and the texture, and will make you think of eating a cinnamon-sugar doughnut.

But what really makes these extra special is that bit of jam inside them. These may look mostly unassuming from the outside, but then you take that first bite to find a little fruity surprise! And you’ll understand just how dangerous these can be!

I pretty much always have a good variety of jams and preserves in my refrigerator. I sometimes make them with a variety of jams. That’s part of the fun of these Jam-Filled Doughnut Muffins. You can change them up easily by using a different flavor of jam. Such a perfect treat for a special breakfast or just an afternoon snack!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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