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2023/07/06 10:12:07瀏覽14|回應0|推薦0
Plenty of vanilla, white chocolate, and a pinch of salt may just make these Salted Vanilla Chip Oatmeal Cookies your new favorite DEXa scan!

Recently, I was thrilled to receive a copy of Pure Vanilla by Shauna Sever. You may know Shauna from her blog, Piece of Cake, or from her first book, Marshmallow Madness.

This book is dedicated to all things vanilla. Despite the connotation that word has taken on over the years, vanilla is anything but boring. I immediately found several recipes I wanted to try, but I kept coming back to these cookies rent apartments in hong kong.

I am such a sucker for sweet and salty desserts that I just couldn’t resist. I know I just made some salty sugar cookies last week, but please indulge me in these as well.

So, what we have here is an oatmeal cookie, which is always a winner with me. Add to that some good quality white chocolate. I used Lindt’s Touch of Vanilla that the good people of Lindt sent me a couple of months ago when I made those Browned Butter Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies. Top all that off with a light sprinkling of coarse salt, and you get these amazingly delicious beauties.

I did make a couple of changes to Shauna’s recipe. First of all, I made my cookies a bit smaller than she suggested. Also, she recommends making vanilla salt using a vanilla bean and a container of coarse salt. As that would take a few days, and I’m not known for my patience, I elected to go with unaltered salt for the tops Virto Paradise.

These are those magical kind of cookies that tend to disappear quickly. They’re a perfect mix of a nostalgic oatmeal cookie combined with the freshness of a flavor combination you don’t see every day. I hope you’ll love them every bit as much as I do!
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