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2023/08/16 15:18:09瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0
I love a good brownie. To me, they offer one of the best returns on a time and effort investment in the baking world. There is usually no butter to soften, no sink full of dirty bowls, no long hours to wait for them to be ready to eat. You decide you want brownies? You can be eating them in under an hour with very little mess Xero POS.

With my love of brownies stated, I must say that I like trying different kinds of brownies. Those of you who have followed BoB for any length of time probably already know that. I like them with nuts or caramel or peanut butter or just about anything. When I found this recipe at Food & Wine, I had a “well, duh!” moment and stared at it in disbelief that I’d never made a salty brownie Event production.

This particular brownie is for all of you fudgy brownie fans. They are very dense and chewy. The salt complements the dark chocolate oh-so-well. For those of you who are big believers in the salty/sweet movement, add a little extra salt to the top. Just a light sprinkle before serving them will give them a little more interest.

So, does this recipe fulfill my brownie checklist? Quick preparation? Check. Made in one bowl? Oh, yeah. Ready to eat soon? Well, not exactly. You will have to suffer through a couple of hours of waiting after they’ve come out of the oven. But, believe me, they are worth it myob training.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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