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2024/01/17 08:49:41瀏覽19|回應0|推薦0
Made with fresh pears, nuts, and a good amount of ginger, these Ginger Pear Pudding Cakes are an easy and elegant addition to your fall menus Asia Bachelor Degree Programmes.

Pudding cakes are a baking wonder. With a little mixing and layering, you get a lovely cake with its own gooey sauce. Leave the forks in the drawer; you need spoons for these guys!

With these Ginger Pear Pudding Cakes, we have a nutty, spiced cake studded with pears and pecans along with a pudding layer that brings to mind the best of all possible butterscotch experiences.

The ginger in these cakes won’t hit you square in the taste buds, but it creates a nice flavor and leaves behind that little tingle of spice. I tend to favor ginger with pears, but focusing on cinnamon would be lovely, too.

I really, really love this small batch recipe made in ramekins for individual desserts. They’re a perfect ending to a meal for a small gathering of friends and family. If you want to make a bigger batch, see my variation ideas below serviced apartments in hong kong.
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