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2024/02/23 09:03:08瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0
This Blueberry Breakfast Cake is a favorite for summer! Easy to make, moist and light, and studded with juicy blueberries, you’ll want to make this cake again and again. Especially since you can eat it for breakfast OR dessert Hong Kong Top University!

It’s funny how we find some of our favorite recipes. I decided to make this blueberry breakfast cake after reading a discussion about it while browsing Chowhound. Sadly, I neglected to bookmark the thread, but I did manage to save the recipe, which is a variation of a cake from Martha Stewart.

I made a few changes, like replacing some of the granulated sugar with brown sugar, and I also sprinkled a little sanding sugar on top, because we all know how I love the way it dresses up simple desserts. This blueberry cake is just the right amount of sweet, a bit delicate, and all-around lovely Medilase.

While I made this with blueberries, you can certainly use your favorite fruit or a combination of ripe summer fruits. Strawberries and raspberries are always a good choice, but I think this cake would also work well with sweet cherries, juicy peaches, or even plums. Frozen fruit should work, too, if you have a hankering for this cake once summer has moved along HIFU.

(Can’t get enough blueberries? Here are 12 Blueberry Recipes to Make This Summer! Also, Blueberry Crumb Cake and Blueberry Coffee Cake are big favorites of mine at the moment.)
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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