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2023/04/19 09:23:05瀏覽24|回應0|推薦0
Remember that Apple-Pear Butter I shared with you yesterday? Well, I had another ulterior motive for making it. This pie myob price.

I was flipping through Southern Living and spotted a recipe for an Apple Butter Pie. For days, it consumed a good portion of my thoughts. I knew I just had to make it.

This pie is a little off the traditional fall pie path. Sure, it has plenty of fall flavors, but it’s a cold pie. I usually think of warm, toasty pie this time of year. But, this beauty changed my mind.

First, there’s the gingersnap crust. I’m not a huge fan of gingersnaps, but they are absolutely perfect for this pie crust. It’s one of those super simple two-ingredient crusts that you can make in just a few minutes Coworking space admiralty.

The filling couldn’t be simpler. We’re talking 4-ingredients-simple. I used my homemade Apple-Pear Butter, but you can absolutely use store-bought apple butter.

I decided to top off the pie with a layer of cinnamon whipped cream. You know that there’s never too much cinnamon in anything for me. If you want to dial it back, sweetened whipped cream will do. Then, just add some chopped gingersnaps top it all off.

I truly could not like this pie more. It is delicious, simple, and gorgeous. What more could you want xero support?

I’ve teamed up with some great bloggers and sponsors to bring Pie Week to you! With Thanksgiving around the corner, what better time to celebrate pie? Be sure to visit these sites and see the pies they’re baking this week.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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