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2023/01/15 14:18:50瀏覽29|回應0|推薦0
If you need a great dessert without a lot of fuss, I’ve got you covered with these quick and easy dessert recipes thermage!

Any fellow procrastinators out there? I’ve always been really, really good at putting things off until the proverbial last minute. I wish I weren’t, but sadly it’s true.

If any of you find yourself in that position and need a quick and easy dessert, I’ve got you covered with these recipes. Even if you’re not a procrastinator, I think you’ll find this collection helpful. These recipes are great for unexpected company, an impromptu dinner, or a forgotten get-together. Or maybe you just have a craving for homemade baked goods without a lot of fuss Secondary Market!

I generally aim to share recipes with you that are uncomplicated. But these are particularly simple to make. Most of these are entirely from scratch, which is my favorite way to bake. But there are also a few shortcut ingredients to make things easy when you most need them to be. Perfect for those times you need dessert in a hurry or you just don’t want to invest a lot of time in the kitchen!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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