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2022/07/28 16:43:26瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0
Cookie Butter Crumb Muffins are like spice muffins but without measuring all of those spices. All that great spice flavor comes from the addition of cookie butter!

Cookie butter is a staple baking ingredient in my kitchen. I just love its sweet, spiced flavor. It makes such a great, simple addition to baking that I pretty much always have some in my pantry for when the craving strikes MYOB.

With these Cookie Butter Crumb Muffins, the wonderful spices in cookie butter make for a subtly spiced muffin that’s a new favorite for me. These muffins aren’t overly sweet, but there’s just enough brown sugar in them and in the crumb topping to satisfy a sweet craving for breakfast or a snack.

I’ll take most any excuse to add a crumb topping to baked goods, and these muffins really pair well with a simple brown sugar crumb. I’m kind of a sucker for spices, so there’s a little cinnamon in the crumb, too, for some extra spice Event venue hong kong.

As for the texture, these muffins manage to be soft while leaning toward the dense side of the muffin spectrum. Be sure you’re measuring your flour correctly when making these. Over-measuring flour is very common, and too much will make these too dense and a bit dry. If you need a refresher, read my tips for How to Measure Flour.

These muffins may look unassuming, but they are really quite delicious with their mild spice flavor. While I’ll glad enjoy them year round, I especially love them in the fall when I want to add fall spices to everything I bake.

If you’re a fan of cookie butter or even if you’re new to cookie butter but love all those great spices, then I think you’re going to enjoy these Cookie Butter Crumb Muffins. The flavor is wonderful, and they mix quickly and easily. 

That is most definitely a winning combo Best event venue hong kong!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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