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2021/12/01 14:40:48瀏覽33|回應0|推薦0
We recently visited our very good friends in Durham, North Carolina, which is quite a lovely place by the way. Tonya and I have been cooking together for years, and we did make dinner one night instead of eating at one of the Triangle’s wonderful restaurants. For our dinner, however, it was not Tonya but her daughter Anna who wanted to make dessert Amway hk.

She and I scoured her cookbooks and after quite a search, Anna decided on a recipe that combines three very good things – Cool Whip, chocolate pudding, and Oreos. Who could argue with that combination Fixed Asset Management?

Anna was most definitely in charge of the dessert preparation. Following her direction, we ended up with quite a lovely, delicious treat that we all enjoyed immensely. Plus, I got to use pink pig sprinkles for the first time. But, of course, the best part was spending time with my favorite 5-year-old ABSS.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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