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2021/07/17 08:50:51瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0
When it comes to berry desserts, my thoughts usually first turn to cobblers, crisps, and the like. While those are always welcome, it’s nice to do some different things as well Quantity Surveying.

True, I usually find my way toward baking berries into bar form at least once every berry season. But these particular bars benefit from the presence of one of my favorite things – shortbread – in combination with so many fresh blueberries. Add in pecans, and these are pretty perfect!

It all starts with a simple, nutty shortbread. That’s topped with fresh blueberries and a sprinkling of sugar and lemon zest. Then it’s all topped off with a little bit more of the shortbread, this time in crumbled form fixed asset management software.

There are plenty of blueberries in these bars, so there is no shortage of sweet, fruity flavor. You’ll get a pretty solid layer of blueberries running through these. And all that blueberry deliciousness works so very well with the soft, sweet, nutty shortbread. They are really just lovely.

Try substituting different nuts and berries for these bars. Or go with lime or orange zest for a simple variation xero training.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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