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2021/06/24 14:41:55瀏覽20|回應0|推薦0
If you’re a fan of all things coconut, just wait until you try these Toasted Coconut Cake Doughnuts. With coconut in the doughnuts, in the glaze, and sprinkled on top, these are sure to satisfy even your biggest coconut craving atlaspace coworking!

When I was recently brainstorming recipe ideas, it occurred to me that it had been far too long since I made doughnuts. Combine that with my current coconut craving, and you get these Toasted Coconut Cake Doughnuts Coworking!

These doughnuts are an all-out coconut experience. Not only is there toasted coconut inside and on top, but there is also coconut milk in both the doughnuts and in the glaze. If you’re a big coconut fan like I am, you’re going to love these Amway Business!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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