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2021/10/18 14:36:23瀏覽19|回應0|推薦0
I don’t have the data to back it up, but I would venture to say that peanut butter and chocolate has to be one of the most popular flavor combinations out there. Surely it’s in the top ten. It’s certainly in my top few coworking space.

The advantage of that kind of popularity is that the baking world has no shortage of recipes for us fans to try. I don’t imagine I’ll exhaust the possibilities any time soon.

The cake’s flavor is not overwhelmingly peanut butter-y. It’s just enough, though, to satisfy peanut butter fans like me. I love that this cake doesn’t need a frosting. The crumb topping and chocolate chips are the perfect topping to dress up an otherwise traditional cake Event venue Tst.

This cake is denser than most, making me think of it as a snack cake more than a full-out dessert. Of course, I wouldn’t turn it away if it were presented on a pretty plate. 

Just know that it’s also the kind of cake that can be cut and eaten while holding it in your hand. Not that I did that. Well, maybe once electric dc motor.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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