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2020/10/27 14:34:20瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0
Let me first clarify that I don’t like banana pudding. I know, I know that a good Southern girl should like it, but I just don’t. For the record, I don’t like sweet tea or watermelon, either.

So, how is it that I’m sharing this recipe with you? I probably wouldn’t be if not for a friend and former co-worker who introduced me to it. She just swore that I would like it, despite my dislike of banana pudding in general offshore company registration hong kong.

And, oh, was she right! This tastes unlike any banana pudding you’ve ever eaten. I figure that has a lot to do with the cream cheese. How can you go wrong with cream cheese? Of course, the recipe comes from Paula Deen, too, and she seems to know her desserts.

My sister requested that I make this banana pudding for our Easter dinner, and that was enthusiastically seconded by my daddy. We returned from Quinn’s business trip to New York on Friday night. After I worked on Saturday, I was very glad that my contribution was going to be this simple dessert. I did also make another batch of Black & White Cupcakes, because I felt the need for some chocolate at the table. I got those into the oven and had the banana pudding made before the cupcakes were done Serviced Residence.

I have made this dessert many times, but I’ve somehow never shared it with you. It’s beyond simple. In fact, I feel a little guilty making it because the hardest thing I have to do is clean up the three or four bowls I manage to use in making it.

I sometimes feel a bit guilty about making it because it’s really just assembly. The cookies are store-bought. The pudding comes from a mix. The whipped cream is frozen. 

However, there is certainly something to be said for a delicious dessert that’s quick and easy Canada Immigration Hong Kong.
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