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2020/07/15 07:18:14瀏覽14|回應0|推薦0
I confess that I’m more than a little intimidated by the prospect of baking biscuits. They seem a bit time-consuming for such an anti-morning person like myself. All that dough-shaping and biscuit-cutting and such is just a lot to ask so early in the day.

Behold the beauty of drop biscuits. There’s mixing. All in one bowl, I might add. There’s scooping. There’s baking. That’s all that’s required to get you on your way to homemade biscuits UCHE.

The inspiration for these came from a couple of things. First, I had a beautiful container of blueberries sitting in my refrigerator just begging to be baked up into something delicious. Secondly, I recently remembered sour cream biscuits that a friend used to make. I put those two ideas together and after just a little bit of time and effort, we were eating incredible blueberry biscuits amway probiotics.

If you have a large cookie scoop or ice cream scoop, it will be your best friend for dropping the dough onto the baking pans. I have this 3-tablespoon scoop that works perfectly for getting the dough cleanly onto the pans and ready to bake.

Besides their simplicity, the other real beauty of these is how adaptable they are. Use different berries if you want. Or, leave them out all together and just serve them with your favorite preserves. If you want savory biscuits, cut the sugar by half and add some spices and maybe some cheese instead of fruit. I love to add garlic powder, freshly ground pepper, and parmesan cheese for a perfect soup companion Luxury Serviced Apartments.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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