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2020/03/16 19:23:15瀏覽19|回應0|推薦0
You know I like to keep things simple around here, but this cheesecake takes that to a whole new level. Would you believe that you can make a cheesecake with just 3 ingredients apartment rental

Well, believe it!

This is the kind of dessert you’ll want to make when you don’t want to make dessert. With so little effort and with such a big payoff, this recipe is a huge dessert win.

Your shopping list for this one is super short. All you’ll need is a couple of packages of chocolate wafers, some cream cheese, and a bit of chocolate syrup. And that magically transforms into a surprisingly tasty cheesecake Quantity Surveying!

I varied from the original recipe in method only. I opted to use a springform pan as opposed to a cake pan to make life simpler. A springform will allow you to skip the harrowing prospect of trying to invert the cheesecake out of a cake pan. I also went with one fewer layer, as I used a 9-inch springform pan instead of an 8-inch cake pan. Four layers in a larger pan would have made the cheesecake layers a bit too thin for my liking.

The original recipe uses whole cookies to adorn the top of the cheesecake, but I covered the top and sides with cookie crumbs to amp up the dark chocolate flavor from the cookies. Unless you’re some kind of kitchen fairy, expect to make a mess when you’re pressing the cookie crumbs onto the cake. There’s no mistaking me for a kitchen fairy. 

There was quite a mess to clean afterwards, but it was so worth it hong kong company registrar.

This is such a fun recipe. The simplicity of the preparation versus the end result is really quite remarkable. Just remember that this cheesecake is all about the chocolate, so be sure to use a good quality chocolate syrup for the best flavor.
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