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2020/01/06 15:04:01瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0
One thing I’ve learned in my years of baking is that things don’t have to be complicated. As much as I enjoy baking, I’d honestly rather skip it if the recipe is overly complex or requires a lot of effort just to make it look pretty. I had much rather bake things that are simple yet delicious Hong Kong employment visa.

If you’re with me in that line of thinking, then you’re going to love this Chocolate Chip Crumb Cake. Its beauty truly is its simplicity. There aren’t a lot of competing 

flavors, so you can just enjoy this cake with its plethora of chocolate chips in their delicious glory online apartment booking.

Using mini chocolate chips in the cake makes for a better, more thorough chocolate distribution. You’re sure to get plenty of chocolate in every bite. Just look at all that chocolate! The standard sized chocolate chips will work, too, if you don’t have minis. Use those as they are, or take a couple of minutes to chop them roughly for a similar effect.

I like to add a hint of cinnamon to the crumb topping. It adds just a bit more flavor without competing with the chocolate. If you prefer, you can certainly omit that and still have a lovely cake HIV Test.

This is the kind of cake that works just as well for an afternoon treat, a brunch sweet, or a simple dessert. If you’re a fan of warm, gooey chocolate, then try heating a piece of this cake for just a few seconds in the microwave. Then dig in and enjoy!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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