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2019/09/18 15:13:39瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0
The right pan, of course, depends on the volume of batter the recipe makes. I don’t usually keep exact measurements of batter, but it’s easy to know from the yield of the recipe how to make the change to muffins or loaves Meeting room Rental Tsim Sha Tsui.

For a recipe that makes 12 standard muffins, you’ll get 1 standard loaf. Let’s start by qualifying what “standard” means. A standard muffin pan has 1-cup capacity cavities. Mini muffin pans have a smaller capacity, while jumbo muffin pans have a larger capacity Quantity Surveying. (We’ll talk more about those another time.)

As for a standard loaf pan, you may get different answers depending on the source. Some consider a 9″x 5″ standard, while others opt for 8 & 1/2″x 4 & 1/2″. I usually use a 9″x 5″ pan, which is what I specify in most of my quick bread recipes. If your pan is the smaller version of standard, then just be careful not to overfill your pan. Stick to the rule of filling your pans 3/4 full, and you’ll be fine almost all of the time Virtual office address.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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