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Otium Salad with Roasted Radishes and Shaved Asparagus Recipe
2019/07/02 09:40:26瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
Do you know what Otium means? Otium is the Latin word for virtuous leisure, a time free of obligation that is spent in contemplation, and the cultivation of one’s spirit hk apartment.

This is a concept that resonates with me deeply, as I have become more and more interested in personal development and mind management these past few years, a passion that has led me to create a podcast and a life coaching practice, for which I am about to get certified Meeting room Rental.

Otium is also the name of a small vegetarian café in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, in the SoPi neighborhood (more about that here), on rue de La Rochefoucauld, a seventeenth-century writer who is known for clever maxims that would certainly keep your mind productively occupied during your otium time.

I first stumbled upon it some months ago, and thought the space stylish and the food very very good. And because it isn’t far from my shared office space, I occasionally treat myself to a bowl of something that will keep me energized and blush-cheeked, such as this here salad I loved so much on a recent spring day Civil Engineering Course.

I call this Otium Salad because it’s the recipe I came up with inspired by that day’s salad, and I don’t know a more appropriate name to call a green salad topped with roasted radishes, shaved asparagus, lentils, toasted buckwheat, mint, and a lemony yogurt dressing. So I just think of it as my salade otium, and invite you to do the same.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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