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2019/08/26 16:17:37瀏覽14|回應0|推薦0
Blueberry Cream Cheese Tart is just the super easy dessert recipe you need for berry season!

Blueberry Cream Cheese Tart has a permanent spot on my super quick and easy list. It’s one of those great recipes that really makes the most of a few simple ingredients. You know that I’m all about keeping things simple and easy, but this beauty is really, really easy Best HVAC.

It starts with frozen puff pastry. As much as I love baking from scratch, there are a few shortcut ingredients that I happily embrace. Puff pastry is one of those, and I pretty much always have some in my freezer. It’s such a convenient thing to use when you need a last-minute dessert or when you just want something quick and easy. It cuts down on prep time and bakes up beautifully Virtual Office Rental.

Topping off that puff pastry base is one of my favorite flavor combinations. Blueberries and cream cheese were just made for each other, and that pairing really shines in this tart. The cream cheese filling will take you just a few minutes to mix and spread onto the puff pastry. Then just top with the sweetened blueberry mixture, sprinkle a few almonds on top, and it’s ready for the oven!

As is true of a lot of puff pastry treats, this tart will be at its best on the day it’s baked. The pastry can start to get a little soggy after that. It’s still delicious, but it just won’t be at its best. That’s why it’s even more important that this dessert be easy enough to whip up in short order hong kong due diligence.

If you like, serve slices of this tart with ice cream or sweetened whipped cream. Both are great, although I slightly prefer the way whipped cream complements both the flavors and the texture.

Keep this Blueberry Cream Cheese Tart in mind for those times you need a last-minute dessert or you just want a little bit of easy in your life. Try it with other fruits, too, for some variety. I think you might just find yourself making this one often!
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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