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2020/02/22 09:22:49瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
Cheesecake and spiced apples are two big-time favorites around here, so putting them together is pretty much irresistible. Combine those fantastic flavors with a simple, no-bake recipe, and these little cheesecakes earn a permanent spot on my favorite desserts list trademark china.

These beauties are all about the layers. Specifically, we’re talking sweet cheesecake, spiced apples, and buttery graham cracker crumbs. And that’s all topped with cinnamon whipped cream and more graham crackers. They’re so simple to make and have such an elegant look. And, of course, the flavor is amazing coworking space!

You can use most any kind of 6 to 8 ounce glasses or bowls for serving these. I’d recommend a clear glass to show off all of those layers. The tapered glasses you see here are cocktail glasses. I really love the shape of them for serving these cheesecakes. They give them such a lovely look while reminding me of something as simple and comforting as eating ice cream sundaes.

This is a great dessert for a small gathering. Making individual desserts allows you to simplify serving by having them already portioned. You can make them in advance and keep them chilled until dessert time. And if your gathering is a bit larger, then you can easily scale these to make more rent apartment.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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