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2020/04/14 09:45:00瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0
I’ve been on a bit of a cranberry baking binge lately, with a buckle and pie recently making appearances here on BoB. But I really must squeeze in just one more while it’s still fresh cranberry season company incorporation.

This Cranberry Bundt Cake is full of great flavor perfect for the season. The cranberries add a bit of tartness to this sweet cake that’s flavored with a little fresh orange juice and zest thermage.

Of course, you are all familiar with my love of the Bundt cake. It allows me to have pretty cakes without stressing over my lack of frosting skills. You’ll only need a simple, sweet glaze to top this cake. If you are a fan of orange, you can add swap out a teaspoonful or so of orange juice for some of the milk. It will add a little extra of that bright flavor to the cake.

This is a great cake for a holiday dessert. The flavor is just lovely and will be a great end to your holiday meal. It’s also a nice cake to keep around for snacking on with your tea or coffee event space.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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